How We Get Our County Level, Real-time Searches.

Some Customers Ask How We Get Our County Level, Real-time Searches. Here’s the answer to that question.

Sometimes you have to by-pass vendors and go directly to the source. So, VeriScreen comes fully integrated with the best source data in the industry. A comprehensive database that provides details on access methods, fees, restrictions, hours of operation and contact information for the following:

County Courts: Civil, Criminal, and Probate Courts at the county and municipal levels (over 9,300 courts profiled in detail).

Federal Courts: 500 U S District and Bankruptcy Courts and Federal Record Centers.

County Agencies: Over 4,265 locations for recorded documents including UCC records, federal & state tax liens, and real estate records.

State Agencies: All major public record databases, including criminal, corporate, UCC, and occupational licensing.

Schools: Over 5,700 colleges and universities, plus 900 referrals to school name changes and references to 850 diploma mills.


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