Boys & Girls Clubs
Why Choose VeriScreen for Boys & Girls Clubs Background Checks?
VeriScreen is dedicated to providing the highest level of product and service for all Boys & Girls Clubs across the nation. VeriScreen believes in our communities and the missions of many non-profit organizations like BGCA. We know we have the most comprehensive, accurate background screening in the industry and we want you to have access to the best. That’s why VeriScreen offers high quality background screening services at a discounted flat fee for all Boys & Girls Clubs across the nation!
With extremely competitive pricing, every name submission will get our exclusive Person Search Plus™ background check. Person Search Plus™ provides more comprehensive background checks by finding and verifying all hits retrieved from name variations, aliases, and DOB discrepancies. We also offer Drug Screening for volunteers & staff.
VeriScreen researchers verify EVERY HIT and guarantee NO FALSE POSITIVES. With the most accurate, error free background checks you can make the best decisions regarding your volunteers and staff.
See what people are saying about our volunteer services!
VeriScreen has implemented a Boys & Girls Clubs referral program for all existing clubs that use our service.
Simply refer us to a club that signs up and we’ll give you 3 free background checks to be used when you need them.
You’ll receive 3 free checks for each club you refer with no limits. Thank you for your business and referrals!
Call us or email us to start gaining free background checks.
If you work for a non-profit agency and are interested in getting our services for your group or club, please contact us to see how we can help you get the best background checks.
Below you can see 2021’s Boys and Girls Clubs Screening requirements.
As you can see, VeriScreen provides the most accurate background check available by including the criminal alias database search, address history verification and real-time targeted courthouse searches.
Boys and Girls Clubs 2021 Screening Requirements

"Thanks, you guys do such an awesome job! I just completed my analysis of filling positions for last year and we filled 40 more than the previous year and did it in less time. I know that your staff's turnaround time has played a big part in these improved results. Thanks again!"
"We are immensely pleased with VeriScreen and thankful for your partnership with the Boys and Girls Club Association."
I wanted to say how pleased I am with our switch to VeriScreen. The transition was smooth and seamless. The turnaround time on a background check is quick and accurate. VeriScreen charges us one flat rate, and we get all the records. Because of the flat rate, we have saved money from our previous screening company that charged for records!

We've had excellent service from VeriScreen. The online report ordering is very easy to navigate, with the option of sending the applicant a link to input their own information. The reporting is prompt and we can ALWAYS reach someone with questions. I especially like that it's the same crew we are able to contact, by phone or email.
Get In Touch With Us
Leave a message or simply give us a call at 812.474.0744 . Our screening experts will answer your questions and help design the background check package you need. Same Day Screening.
- 812.474.0744
- 312 NW Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Evansville, IN 47708