Veriscreen's Affiliations
VeriScreen is always working to stay ahead of trends, news and regulations that will be important to our clients and our industry. Some of our industry affiliations include the American Staffing Association, the National Association of Professional Background Screeners, the Society for Human Resource Management, the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, the Affordable Housing Association of Indiana, the Southeastern Affordable Housing Management Association, and the local Chamber of Commerce.
The American Staffing Association
The American Staffing Association (ASA) is the voice of the U.S. staffing industry. The ASA and its affiliated chapters advance the interests of staffing and recruiting firms of all sizes and across all sectors through legal and legislative advocacy, public relations, education, and the promotion of high standards of legal, ethical, and professional practices.
The National Association of Professional Background Screeners
Founded in 2003 as a non-profit trade association, NAPBS serves to shape our industry while it serves the interest of its members. VeriScreen is accredited by NAPBS, putting it in the 1% of background screening companies in the nation that are accredited. In addition, over 80% of our team has received certification in Basic FCRA training and two in our top management have received advanced FCRA training. We also provide leadership by participating in key committees.
The Society for Human Resource Management
Founded in 1948 as a professional human resource management association, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest association dedicated to professional human resource management. SHRM serves to uphold the role of HR as a profession and provides several services to its members related to labor management.With a long-standing relationship with SHRM, VeriScreen demonstrates expertise in Human Resource Management with training, assessments and risk management procedures. VeriScreen has maintained an industry leading consultative approach to educate clients on Human Resource compliance and risk management.
The National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
At a glance
- 18,300 individual members and associates
- 2,900 agency members (including housing authorities, CD departments, redevelopment agencies, affiliates, and complimentary memberships)
NAHRO members own or administer:
- 674,000 units of public housing (a vast majority of the nation’s inventory)
- 1,724,000 units of tenant-based Section 8 housing
- 285,500 units of other assisted housing
In all, NAHRO’s members provide housing for more than 7.9 million low-income people.
Our members bring more than $1.5 billion Community Development Block Grant and HOME funding to their communities.
The Affordable Housing Association of Indiana
Since 1983, the Affordable Housing Association of Indiana has served as the state’s leading advocate for the financing, development and management of affordable housing. AHAIN represents owners, developers, managers, housing authorities, architects, attorneys, bankers and vendors to the industry.
The Southeastern Affordable Housing Management Association
Founded in 1982, the Southeastern Affordable Housing Management Association (SAHMA) is a membership organization of owners and managers of affordable, multi-family housing in the Southeast, actively involved in many different housing programs. As a partner of the National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA), SAHMA champions the preservation of the nation’s stock of affordable housing.
Chamber of Commerce
VeriScreen is active in our local Chamber of Commerce and our members volunteer on several committees to expand commerce in southern Indiana.